g2 ricamificio
The EMBROIDERY, originally used to enrichen clothes of famous people, both from the political and religious, today as in the past, is a precious and prestigious value added. Our family business was founded in 1988 in Montecassiano, a delightful medieval village, in the beautiful setting of the hills of Macerata, in the heart of the Marches, where the sea, the hills and mountains are a very elegant combination. Our work is carried out by multi-head machines to produce industrial embroidery, both on finished garments and on cut pieces. More than ever, the embroidery machine are often combined with hand embroidery and thanks to the expert hands of our embroiderers, who provide all their skills acquired over the years, we can create elegant and refined works. The passion for embroidery, pushed us to experiment and find always new techniques with the use of different materials (gold wire, copper and silver, natural stones, crystals, pearls, plexiglass, wood, metal, jute, silk, cashmere, fur etc...) that combined with "handmade" embroidery allows us to realize even the most difficult demands of well-known Italian fashion designers. The embroiderer translates into reality the inspiration of the designer and makes' it even progress to achieve the perfection. What sometimes seems impossible becomes reality. The art of embroidery requires practice and talent and agility in knowing how to use the right tools and materials. This is the target that for over 25 years allows us to cooperate with our customers finding the best solution in achieving their projects.